Our Extras feature helps you take reservations for meals, camping, parking, and other items related to your event.
You can get a headcount for complementary (free) meals or collect fees for reserved items at the time of each reservation.
Extras can be:
Merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, hats, dog items, etc.
Services such as horse rental/wrangler, training hours
Items such as birds for training, raffle items
What are the PerfDog Processing Fees for Extras?
Extras have the same processing fees as entries. If your club wants to receive $10 for an item, you will enter $12 for the item under Setup > Extras and publish $12 in your Premium List (and elsewhere). Publishing the same fee everywhere avoids confusion for everyone. Find our Extras Processing Fee list in our Club Agreement.
ℹ️ Note: If you're only taking a headcount, set the reservation fee to $0. If you don't charge a reservation fee, we don't charge a processing fee.
Learn how to set up extras: Set up extras