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Extras explained

Take reservations for meals, camping, parking, t-shirts, mugs, hats, wrangler, birds, raffle items, donations, and more

Updated over a week ago

Our Extras feature helps you take reservations for meals, camping, parking, and other items related to your event.

You can get a headcount for complementary (free) meals or collect fees for reserved items at the time of each reservation.

Extras can be:

  • Merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, hats, dog items, etc.

  • Services such as horse rental/wrangler, training hours

  • Items such as birds for training, raffle items

  • Donations

What are the PerfDog Processing Fees for Extras?

Extras have the same processing fees as entries. If your club wants to receive $10 for an item, you will enter $12 for the item under Setup > Extras and publish $12 in your Premium List (and elsewhere). Publishing the same fee everywhere avoids confusion for everyone. Find our Extras Processing Fee list in our Club Agreement.

ℹ️ Note: If you're only taking a headcount, set the reservation fee to $0. If you don't charge a reservation fee, we don't charge a processing fee.

Learn how to set up extras: Set up extras

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