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Understanding Your Financial Report

Your financial report provides a comprehensive view of all your event transactions

Updated over 5 months ago


Your financial report provides a comprehensive view of all your event transactions. You can search for specific entries or view them all in a convenient table format.

Key Features

  • Table format: Sort and search transactions based on date, entrant name, description, or payment method.

  • Detailed view: Click the plus sign next to a transaction to see more information, including dog details, affected levels or stakes, and payment method.

  • Summary: The footer provides a summary of total transactions, amounts, and other relevant data.

  • Customization: View transactions in abbreviated or detailed format. Open all transactions at once for a full view.

Using the Financial Report

  1. Access the report: Navigate to Report -> Financial Report.

  2. Search and filter: Use the search fields in each column to find specific transactions by date, entrant name, description, or payment method.

  3. Sort columns: Click the up or down arrows next to column headers to sort transactions in ascending or descending order.

  4. View details: Click the plus sign next to a transaction to see more information. To expand all transactions, click the plus sign in the top left corner of the table next to "When".

Column Descriptions

  • When: Date and time of the transaction.

  • Who: Name of the entrant.

  • What: Brief description of the transaction.

  • Payment: Payment method.

Additional Information

When viewing transaction details, you'll see information such as:

  • Dog name and breed

  • Affected level or stake

  • Payment method

Understanding Event Payment Issues

The event payment issues section lists entrants who have not yet paid their balance with a credit card. This includes entrants/registrants who you have entered on behalf of or people you allowed into your event from the waiting list. You would have agreed to collect a check for both types of transactions.

Financial Summary

The financial summary section displays:

Transaction List

The table below the financial summary contains the details of every transaction in your event.

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