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I didn't receive the password reset email
Updated over a week ago

Did you request a password reset but never received the "Reset your password" email? There are a few reasons why it may not be working.

You might have used the wrong email address or have a typo in it.

If you don't receive the reset email within a few minutes, you can try a different email in case another email address is what we have on file for you.

Tip: Have a past email from PerfDog? The recipient email address is your sign in email.

The email might be in your spam folder or have been blocked.

Try checking your spam or junk email folder.

Some servers may have blocked the email due to security firewalls. We try to send emails a couple of different ways if we detect a block or bounce, but if it's a permanent block, we cannot resolve the issue and suggest you set up a new account with a different email address.

You signed up with Google or Facebook instead.

The "forgot password" will not work if you initially signed up with Google or Facebook.

You haven't signed up with PerfDog yet.

If this is the case, you will not receive a "Reset password" email.

Watch this video to learn how to reset your password

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