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Event Limits & Timing

Automate enforcement of event limits

Updated over 5 months ago

PerfDog's Event Limits and Timing settings automate the enforcement of your event limits. This means you no longer need to manually track and manage entry counts or run times.

When your event or stake reaches capacity, PerfDog will automatically place dogs on the waiting list.

You can set automatic limits on the following:

  • Number of entries: Specify the maximum number of entries allowed per level/stake, per day, and per event.

  • Run time: Limit the total number of hours available for entries within the event.

Important: Ensure your event limits are set correctly. The lowest limit reached (whether for the overall event/day or individual Stake/Levels) will determine when the waiting list is activated.

Review all settings carefully to prevent situations where you may accept too many dogs or inadvertently force dogs onto the waiting list.

Tips for setting limits:

Day/Event Limits control the maximum number of entries or the total run time allowed within a specific day or event. To effectively set these limits, consider the following scenarios:

1. Limiting ONLY Day (or Event) Run Time:

  • Set Max run time for the day (or event) to your desired number of hours.

  • Set Max # entries to a very large number.

  • In each individual level/stake, set Max run time and Max # entries to very large numbers.

This will ensure that the waiting list is activated only when the total run time for all entries in the day/event reaches the desired number of hours. Other limits will not be enforced in this case.

2. Limiting ONLY Day (or Event) Entry Numbers:

  • Set Max # entries for the day (or event) to your desired number.

  • Set Max run time to a very large number.

  • In each individual stake/level, set Max # entries and Max run time to very large numbers.

This will activate the waiting list when the desired number of entries for the day/event is reached. Other limits will not be enforced.

3. Limiting Entries or Run Time ONLY for Individual Stakes or Levels:

  • Set Max run time and Max # entries for the day (or Event) to very large numbers.

  • Set Max # entries for individual stakes or levels to your desired values.

This will limit the number of entries within specific stakes or levels without affecting the overall daily limits.

4. Setting limits on all - For complete control, set the Day (or Event) as well as Stake or Level Run Times and Numbers of Entries:

  • Set Max run time and Max # entries for the day/event and individual levels to your desired values. Setting lower values will force dogs to the waiting list earlier.

The waiting list will be activated when either the maximum run time or the maximum number of entries is reached - whichever one occurs first.

Note: Course-level limits (based on maximum time or maximum entries) are not currently supported.

To limit entries for a specific course or ring, set individual limits for each stake or level within that course. Ensure that the combined total of these limits aligns with your desired overall limit for the course.


Stake timing

1. Set each brace or team's run time.

2. Set buffer time between braces or teams. The 'buffer between braces' gives judges and/or exhibitors time to get back to the start line or to finish up their judging notes/scoring. This helps you plan your time limits accordingly by placing the correct amount of time between braces/teams. For example, a walking field trial stake may need more buffer time in between braces than a horseback stake may.

Important: The buffer time is automatically added to run time calculations to:

  1. determine when to begin the event's waiting list

  2. calculate your running order times when you create your bracing/drawing

Stake timing screenshot.png

Day (or Event) limits & Stake limits

Set your limits per day (or event) and per stake. You can change these at any time.

Tip: Only want to enforce run time? Set the max # of entries to a very large number for the day/event and all stakes/levels.

Tip: Effectively close a specific stake or level while taking entries for your event by setting the maximum number of entries to your current number of entries. If you have 20 entries and want to mark the stake/level full before the close date/time, set your Max # entries to 20 and anyone who enters after this change will be placed on the waiting list.

Day limits HT screenshot.png
Stake limits HT screenshot.png
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