We provide a free space where clubs can place their web page content, but we are currently unable to help with domain name registration or redirects or other technical questions related to such.
Tips and suggestions:
If you have a website today, you probably use a tool to create and manage it. This tool could be WordPress, Wix, or something else.
If you don't have a tool, you can do the redirect manually. But this requires some technical skills.
If you've turned off your website, you'll need to get a new one and redirect the home page to your club site on PerfDog.
In other words, if you want to use your club's domain name (e.g., ourclub.net) to point to your club site on PerfDog, you'll need to use a third-party website hosting provider like Wix. This provider will host your website and redirect your domain name to our site.
β Check out https://who.is/ to see where you're website is currently registered and when it's due to renew.
β We are not affiliated with Semrush, but they have a blog post describing redirects that may be helpful: The Ultimate Guide to Redirects: URL Redirections Explained
For other PerfDog help articles related to Free Websites and Membership Management, go here: Club Website and Membership Management