PerfDog has changed our check policy and will no longer allow people to first enter online and then “promise” to send a check to PerfDog.
Unfortunately, the honor system was being abused. The policy change goes into effect immediately.
Note: This does not affect participants who pay with a credit card.
We will enter dog(s) in your event once we receive a mailed paper entry and check, or entrants can enter and pay with a credit card online at
You may still enter a dog in your event on behalf of someone as you've done in the past. Going forward, you’ll have 3 options after clicking Pay with check.
This is what you'll see. Please see descriptions of each option below.
Note: if your club is absorbing the non-refundable processing fees for your event, you may not see "My club is responsible for processing fees if anything is cancelled." Absorbing the PerfDog processing fee for cancelled entries would already be in place for your event.
Check in hand
Choose this option when you have a physical check in hand, payable to your club. This may happen if someone found your event at the AKC and sent an entry to you instead of to PerfDog. In this case, PerfDog will consider the entry paid. You should deposit the check as soon as you can because:
1) PerfDog immediately deducts the amount from your event's proceeds, and
2) PerfDog will take care of any account credits or refunds issued to the entrant if their entry or entries are cancelled. Your club should not refund the entrant if the cancellation is completed through PerfDog.
If the entry or entries are cancelled for any reason, PerfDog will issue an account credit or check refund (whichever is chosen during the cancellation transaction) to the entrant, less our non-refundable processing fee, and a check printing and mailing fee if a check refund is requested. The non-refundable processing fee will be deducted from the event's proceeds.
If your club is absorbing the non-refundable processing fees for an entry/entries paid by check, and an entry is cancelled, we will charge your club the $3 check printing and mailing fee, which gives the entrant their full refund.
These screens will follow and you cannot proceed without agreeing to the terms.
Will bring check
Choose this option if you are willing to enter a dog(s) on behalf of someone without having their payment in hand. You will be granting special permission for the entrant to bring a check to the event.
PerfDog will immediately deduct the check amount from your event proceeds when you click the I agree button. You will also be agreeing to absorb the processing fees related to the entry or entries if they are cancelled for any reason or the entrant doesn't give you a check.
The entrant's confirmation email will contain a link to pay with a credit card at If they pay their balance with a credit card, your club will no longer be responsible for the associated processing fees if the entries are cancelled.
Note: The check you agree to collect in this case must be made payable to your club.
If you have the entrant's credit card, you can choose Pay now with credit card instead
If you don't want to agree to these terms you can Go back to choose another option or go back and cancel the transaction and ask the entrant to sign in at PerfDog and enter on their own. A bonus for the entrant is that you will have already put their dogs in their profile if they weren't already there.
You'll see this message before finalizing the entry.
Will mail check
Choose this option if:
You don't have a check from an entrant
You don't want to take responsibility in collecting a check from the entrant
You don't want to take responsibility for the PerfDog non-refundable processing fees if the entries are cancelled or the balance is not paid.
This option will not enter the dogs in your event. The slots will immediately be released back to the public. When PerfDog receives the entrant's paper entry forms and check in the mail, we will enter the dog(s) in the event.
If you'd like to make it easier for the entrant, you can provide them with a pre-filled entry form. Choose They will mail a check and forms to take you to a screen where you can download the forms and email them to the entrant. They can print the form(s) and mail them with their check to PerfDog.
Entry forms and checks that arrive after your close date and time will be shredded.
If you have the entrant's credit card, you can choose Pay now with credit card instead
If you don't want to agree to the terms you can Go back to choose another option.
Because this option is not an actual entry in the event, no one will receive emails related to the entry from PerfDog.
You'll see this message before finalizing the entry.