Some clubs want to fully refund canceled entries in their event. In this case, the entrant gets a refund or credit for the full amount they paid and the club absorbs the non-refundable processing fee associated with the canceled entry or extra. The processing fee is then deducted from the event's final proceeds.
The option to absorb the processing fee is chosen during event setup.
PerfDog charges a non-refundable processing fee per entry or extra to the dog club (or organization) holding the event. The processing fee is deducted from the club's final proceeds for each entry or extra no matter how the entrant pays (by credit card or check) and whether or not it is canceled. Most clubs build the processing fee into their entry and extra fees to cover the cost.
When an entry or extra is canceled, the non-refundable processing fee is retained by PerfDog. Either the entrant loses the fee, or the club pays the fee for the entrant so they get a full refund. Clubs get to choose this during event set up.
Read more about the two options here: How to handle refunds in your event
When the club absorbs the fee:
Registrants receive a full refund if they cancel before close of entries.
You include specific entry instructions to in your Premium List.β
Clubs are responsible for the non-refundable processing fees and check fees resulting from all canceled entries, whether the cancellation was by the registrant or the club.
The club agrees to pay PerfDog the total amount of all processing fees incurred by entrants, including for entries and extras (e.g., food, camping, merchandise) that are later changed or cancelled, even if the activity or a portion of it is cancelled for any reason.
The club agrees to pay the check printing and mailing fee of $3 for each refund check PerfDog sends to an entrant. When possible, PerfDog will refund fees paid by credit card back to that credit card, which does not incur an additional fee to either the club or the entrant.
Entrants do not see a mention of processing fees or check printing/mailing fees anywhere in the premium, on the PerfDog website, or in the emails they receive from PerfDog related to the activity.
If the club cancels all or some portion of the activity and the amount they owe PerfDog for the total amount of all processing fees and check printing/mailing fees incurred for the activity exceeds the balance PerfDog owes the club for entry fees and purchases of extras collected in association with the activity that are due to the club (not including PerfDog fees), the club agrees to pay PerfDog the difference by credit card (plus 3% to cover the credit card processing fee associated with the payment) before PerfDog will issue refunds to the affected entrants.
Summary and examples
The entrant receives a full refund when they cancel.
Each canceled entry or extra's processing fee is subtracted from your club's proceeds.
Some clubs do this to please pro handlers.
βSee the other option we give clubs, where you let entrants be responsible: Entrant absorbs the processing fees when entries are canceled