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Entrant absorbs the processing fees when entries are canceled
Entrant absorbs the processing fees when entries are canceled

Information about our default option where clubs pass processing fee on to entrants

Updated over a week ago

The default setting for all events is to pass the processing fee responsibility on to entrants. What this means is that the entrant will be refunded or credited all but the non-refundable processing fee(s) when their entry or extra is canceled. In this case, the club does not bear the responsibility of the processing fee, unless they agree to do so in special circumstances (you'll see a pop-up if you're entering on behalf of someone, or letting their dog(s) in from the waiting list).

The option to absorb the processing fee is chosen during event setup.


PerfDog charges a non-refundable processing fee per entry or extra to the dog club (or organization) holding the event. The processing fee is deducted from the club's final proceeds for each entry or extra no matter how the entrant pays (by credit card or check) and whether or not it is canceled. Most clubs build the processing fee into their entry and extra fees to cover the cost.

When an entry or extra is canceled, the non-refundable processing fee is retained by PerfDog. Either the entrant loses the fee, or the club pays the fee for the entrant so they get a full refund. Clubs get to choose this during event set up.

Most clubs choose the default option - pass the processing fee on to entrants.

Read more about the two options here: How to handle refunds in your event

When the club passes the fee on to the entrants:

  • ​Entrants receive the amount they paid, less the PerfDog non-refundable processing fee if they cancel before close of entries.

  • ​You include specific PerfDog processing fee language and entry instructions to in your Premium List.

  • ​Entrants see PerfDog's fee terms and disclosures during the entry process. Before checking out, entrants see that they will not be refunded the processing fee if they cancel or change an entry or 'extra' (e.g., food, camping, merchandise), or if the stake or the entire activity is cancelled for any reason. The processing fee paid is not refundable by PerfDog for any reason.

  • ​Entrants will see a non-refundable processing fee deducted from any refunds or credits they receive from canceled entries.

  • Entrants are informed that any refunds they receive by check will be reduced by a check printing and mailing fee of $3.

  • The club may choose to directly refund an entrant's processing fee in special situations, such as an injury, a bitch coming into season, extreme weather, and the like. The decision and optional refund is handled by the club on a case by case basis without involvement by PerfDog.

Summary and examples

  • The entrant receives what they originally paid per entry, less the processing fee.


​See details about the other option we give clubs, where they give entrants a full refund, including the processing fee: Club absorbs the processing fees when entries are canceled

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