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Understanding PerfDog's non-refundable processing fees
Understanding PerfDog's non-refundable processing fees

Information for event administrators on PerfDog's non-refundable processing fees

Updated over a week ago

PerfDog charges a non-refundable processing fee per entry or extra to the dog club or organization holding the event.

Many clubs build the processing fee into their entry and extra fees.

You'll set up your event's entry fees in the Stakes (or Levels, or Classes) step during set up.

We also give clubs two options for handling refunds. Read more about the options here:

The non-refundable processing fee

The non-refundable processing fee is based on the entry fee (see our table) and is deducted from the club's final proceeds for each entry or extra no matter how the entrant pays (by credit card or check) and whether or not it is canceled.

Most clubs build the processing fees into their entries and extras fees to cover the cost.

For example, if your club wants to keep $50 per entry, you'd publish $53 in your Premium List, at the AKC (so it shows up in your event details on their site in case someone mails you an entry), and elsewhere. PerfDog keeps the $3 in all cases. If your club wants to keep $60 per entry, you'd publish $64. PerfDog keeps the $4 in all cases.

Some clubs round up to the nearest $5. Be aware that doing this may increase the processing fee, depending on where the fee falls in the table. See the fee list here.

For examples of frequently used fees, see our brief list below.

Tip: Publishing the same entry/extra fees (which include the PerfDog processing fee) everywhere will avoid confusion for everyone. Publish the same entry fee in your Premium List, at the AKC, on your website, and in any advertising you do.

You may have to contact the AKC to update your revised entry fee(s) if you set up your event at PerfDog after submitting your application to the AKC and changed your fees.

Tip: For guidance in preparing your Premium List with the correct fees along with the text to add to your Premium, see our article Premium List requirements for all events.

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