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Close an event early

Event admins can close an event early, halt or stop taking entries at any time and avoid putting more dogs on the waiting list

Updated over a week ago

Want to stop accepting entries for your event before its scheduled closing date?

Here's how to close the event:

1. Go to "Manage".

2. Click "Close entries".

PerfDog will immediately stop accepting new entries and prevent additional dogs from being added to the waiting list.

Pro tip: If you want to avoid a waiting list, or prevent adding more dogs to it, use this option.

Manage Menu April 2021 close entries.png

Alternative method using Limits:

  • Go to "Setup".

  • Under "Limits and Timing", set the maximum number of entries to the current number of entries.

This will mark the level, day, or event (whichever you choose) as full and automatically place any new entries on the waiting list.

Pro tip: To close a specific level, set the maximum number of entries for that level to the current entry number.

Need to allow someone to register late?

  1. Go to "User Permissions".

  2. Add the person to the list.

  3. Grant them permission to "enter after close".

For more details on allowing specific people to register early or late, please refer to our guide: Allowing specific people to register early/late

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