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Close your event early
Updated over a week ago

Closing an event before the posted closing date can be done by:

  • Clicking Close entries under Manage or

  • Setting the maximum number of entries to your current number of entries in Limits and Timing under Setup. If you have 20 entries and want to mark the level as full before the close date/time, set your Max # entries to 20 and anyone who enters after this change will be placed on the waiting list.

If you don't want to maintain a waiting list choose Close entries under Manage to close your event.

You can effectively close a specific level by setting the maximum number of entries in the level to your current number of entries in the level.

If you want to allow a specific person to enter your event after you close it, make certain they're in PerfDog's system by searching for them in Manage people under Manage. Add their profile if they're not in the system. Then add their ID to the list in User Permissions and give them permission to "enter after close." See Allowing specific people to register early/late for more information.

Manage Menu April 2021 close entries.png
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