Club administrators: learn how to change a club member's email address in PerfDog. Follow these steps to easily update the email address associated with a member's profile.
Click here to watch or read step-by-step instructions below.
1. From the manage membership screen...
2. Locate the member you want to make changes to.
3. If it's a household or family membership, click the + next to the primary member.
4. Then, click on the member's name. We'll change Mark's email address, so we'll click on "Mark."
5. This screen displays the club's membership type, status, and other general data for the member. To edit the member's account info, click "Member details."
6. Clicking the "Members" tab above the membership info gets you to the member info screen faster, but you can also choose "Get started."
7. On the Members screen, click the email you want to change.
8. Here, you can change the member's email address and any other account info. Click inside the field and delete or type the new info.
9. Click "Save profile" when ready.
10. Mark's email address has been changed. Choose one of 3 paths from here:
1. Click "Next: Dogs" to make more changes,
2. Go directly to the "Review" tab to review all of the member's info, or
3. Click "Cancel" if you're finished and want to go back to the membership list.